Only 3% of ads reach their target. We can help.*

*On average only 3% of the people in the market are actually ready to take action when they see your ad, so 97% of your ad spend is wasted if you don't have a strategy for it.

Free Marketing Assessment


Home buyers start their search online


Searches are on mobile devices


Have a social media account


Increased conversions with automation

Are you wasting 97% of your ad budget or do you have a system to squeeze out every last dollar of your ad spend?

We help listing agents acquire more listings

You're lead pipeline is bone dry, yet it is the only thing that can keep you business alive!

You need to get leads listings! A sale for your client means commission for you!

More sales = more happy clients = more profit

But how to get those new listings? print is expensive and localized, as are bus ads, billboards, decals, business cards, flyers, etc!

Almost everyone (97% of people in Canada and the US) have a cell phone, which connects them to the internet, email, and social media. Digital advertising can reach them but which channel is best for your business? With so much competition how can your ad actually target the right people? How can you drive traffic to the information they need to help with their decision making?

97% of potential clients are not ready to buy today but they may be thinking about it, they are researching, planning, dreaming about the future and looking for inspiration and resources to help their decision-making. Ads focused on hot leads are a wasted opportunity. If you don't have a strategy for your ad campaign then you are sabotaging your success! A strong brand will stay top of mind so that once those prospects are ready to act they will automatically think of you.

The Secret Sauce..

Always Be Serving

Regardless of what stage of the buying process your clients are in there is opportunity to serve. Remember at any given time only about 1.5% of the total homes are actually for sale leaving 98.5% of the market for you to connect with. Out of that 1.5%, or about 3% annually, buyers and sellers are at different stages of the decision making process. DO NOT miss this opportunity to serve people and have a steady flow of leads in your pipeline.

Invest in yourself. Reap the rewards.

Solving for client acquisition

Leads are one thing but a signed client is another. We develop strategies to compound your investment.

that is, who are you?

Not on a philosophical level but who are you in the marketplace? Do people understand why you should be their first choice? Do you have a clear service offering? Do you have a strong brand that will automatically resonate with prospects and having them climbing over each other to get to you first?

Stand out, be remembered

Did you know that the average person sees upwards of 10k ads on any given day. The brain is desensitized to them. How many do you think they'll remember? 1 or 2? Will yours get lost in the shuffle? You can't reach everyone but you can reach people looking for your service. We produce content appropriate for each marketing channel. Direct offers for hot traffic and value based content for those in information gathering mode.

Not those kind..

The kind that your prospects go through before turning into a customer! We develop strategies for the 4 stages of your customers journey so that whereever they may be you will be well positioned to guide them through the process and turn them into a happy customer and layal fan, referring you business for years to come. Think about it if someone is deciding if they should live in Vancouver or Victoria do you think they will choose your ad that reads "Sell your home for top dollar!" or will they land on your competitors site who has prepared an ad reading: "Is Victoria the sunniest places to retire in Canada?"

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Ok, so once someone clicks on your ad does that automatically mean they are qualified and ready to do business? Not necessarily. But it is your BIG chance to Wow them with your offering! You dress to impress for your meeting and this is no different. Your offering needs to be clear and on-point! People are super busy and want to know why you're the person to help them while being confident of the result! 

Warning! Inbound Traffic Ahead!

While you're sitting, thinking, scrolling, clicking, doing espresso shots, posting about the sunny weather, refreshing emails, and visualizing your success the leads don't seem to be coming in! Maybe you need better software? Maybe you should upgrade your phone to the latest and greatest, and maybe tomorrow will be better! With the right strategies and implementation it can be! 

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. We craft your offer and get it in-front of people who actually want to see it.

Free Assessment
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